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Following an extensive programme of consultation, embracing over 500 individuals and organisations, we present the five themes to drive the refreshed North East Case for Culture.
As the region works to recover from the pandemic and addresses the challenges of the economy, we want to ensure that the North East Case for Culture can realise its full potential. To do this, we must consider the ever-evolving environment in which the cultural sector operates, and after extensive consultations with the sector, we present the five refreshed priorities for the North East Culture Partnership.
The consultation, embracing over 500 individuals and organisations, and culminating in the North East Culture Partnership’s Annual Forum held at Sage Gateshead in July 2022, leads us to believe that the following five themes should drive our North East Case for Culture to 2030:
Equality, Equity and Audiences: NECP will continue to make the case for greater equity, diversity and opportunities for our audiences, including working-class communities and people with protected characteristics.
Economy: We need to harness the opportunities of devolution and Levelling Up funding and encourage Poverty Proofing of cultural buildings to ensure they can engage with families and children. We recognise that the sector is still grappling with the impacts of Covid and is now experiencing a cost of living and energy crisis.
Cultural Workforce & Skills: NECP will work on the idea of ‘Making the North East the best place to be a cultural worker’ and develop initiatives to improve the terms and conditions for those working in the arts and heritage sectors.
Climate Emergency: NECP supports the NetZeroNE initiative and the opportunity for arts and heritage organisations to raise awareness of the Climate Emergency and improve their buildings and carbon impacts.
North East Partnerships and International Links: NECP will bring together the sub-regional culture groups to share and collaborate – particularly on children and young people, equity, and health. NECP will work with others to showcase the region’s cultural excellence and innovation.
Watch the North East Heritage Forum Sessions
Session 1
Matthew Rooke (Consultant leading the North East Case for Culture refresh 2022/23) and Jodi Larder (Development Manager at National Lottery Heritage Fund North) bring their perspectives to some of the current challenges heritage in the North East faces and their work on actions to sustain and grow the sector. Watch here > > >
Session 2
The Hadrian’s Wall 1900 Project and Tall Ships Hartlepool 2023 are two major events that place the North East on a world stage. How can these types of national and international events be harnessed for lasting benefit to our communities and sector? A range of speakers talk about the challenges they and their teams have faced and the lessons learnt. Watch here > > >
Session 3
Heritage organisations are facing huge financial and operational challenges because of climate change and direct action is needed now. Where can an organisation start if it doesn’t have in-house specialists? A panel discussion with representatives from natural heritage, the built environment and community engagement. Watch here > > >
Download the Heritage Forum presentations
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