Dear Creatives,
Welcome back to another blog post exploring the funding and sponsorship opportunities I've spotted on my online travels this month.
I separate the opportunities out for individuals and companies to make it clearer where you can apply.
This blog posts comes a little later than usual after a busy and fun filled summer. We hope you have also had an enjoyable time, resting, assessing and juggling if you have school aged children.
We've been working on our Project Grant application to Arts Council ahead of the new form coming in. More on that from Arts Council here.
If you haven't yet booked PLEASE PLEASE consider booking at spot on this FREE workshop from New Writing North this FRI 8 SEPT at 12noon with the head of UK partnerships at Substack. Substack has completely changed the income model in my business. I've been writing there since April 2022 and there's such an opportunity for creatives who also like to write there. I send out weekly tips - sign up here.
In other news, the folks at Berwick Creative guild are working on developing new studio spaces for artists and lots is happening as part of their CCZ work. We'll send more updates in our email later this month.

This is the seventh blog in the series, some of the opportunities aren't time sensitive so please check out other posts and sign up to funder mailing lists that feel aligned with your work;
Happy fund hunting - let's make brilliant work!
Evergreen opportunities to increase your fundraising knowledge
Applying to Arts Council. Read their delivery plan and align your work with their goals.
This incredibly useful blog from Northumberland based professional fundraiser Katherine Williams. Katherine shares her knowledge from a long career in fundraising for culture and heritage and some top tips.
Are you signed up to Arts Professional updates for events and jobs? Well worth being on their mailing list.
Audio recording of our Arts Council's Developing your Creative Practise funding workshop attending by 20 participants. Leila at North East Cultural Freelancers and Claire at Culture Northumberland came together to answer questions, share notes on paying yourself properly and lots more about step change and ambition. Access it here for free. The next round of DYCP will open later this year.
Fundraising and sponsorship for your Creative project idea. I led this workshop for my creative community of artists, cics and ltd companies - If you are based in Northumberland, you are welcome to access it for free, please email if you'd like access.
How is your relationship with your local Town Council? Could you write to them about an idea you have to deliver activity in your town? Worth checking with individual towns how they would like to receive applications and whether they'll fund individuals.
Top Tips for match funding blog from Culture Northumberland
For individuals (writers, artists, creatives, makers)
You have until November to pitch to SpaceHive for a match funded crowd funding capaign. Watch the video of the intro workshop here. I've gone through this process and as an individual I should get £1000 from Spacehive via Creative UK via North of the Tyne (?) if I'm successful with my campaign. Here it is if you want to see it or support us.
Lots of us have been successful in applications to Creative UK's challenge fund - you can sign up for their emails for more news on new grants/ loans or read through their investment resources online.
New to Arts Funding?- join Community Foundation for an event to help get you started later this month. Here's the link.
Apply to be mentored by a digital champion at The Space - more here.
For companies/ partnerships
Need a strategy to help tackle the climate crisis? If you need help responding to the climate crisis, apply to Become Green Together. This fantastic programme is already helping over 50 voluntary and community organisations to become environmentally sustainable. With subsidised training and full bursaries available, make sure not to miss out on the final application window. Find out more and apply at
Know your Neighbour Fund. Creative Lives is managing a major new grants scheme for voluntary creative groups in England, as part of the Department for Culture, Media and Sport’s Know Your Neighbourhood (KYN) fund.Starting in April 2023, the two-year programme will fund voluntary creative groups in a number of designated areas across England to promote and deliver targeted creative activities to support people at risk of loneliness and isolation.More here.
If you're a charity - Foyle Foundation have some grants you can apply to.
A nice round up here from Creative Money for arts funding - might be suitable for individuals too.
Community Foundation have a rolling grants programme and lots that might be suitable.
National Lottery Fund Heritage Update;
Apply for an award. Unlimited are offering 14 awards to disabled artists across the UK. These awards will offer a grand total of £600,000 to commission artists on a national and international level.
An update on Creative People and Places projects in the North (CPP) - make sure you're registered for artist commission opportunities where ever you'd like to travel.
A call out from an artist - let's make fundraising more accessible to visual artists.
Read Trina's blog and help her with her funding research that will help us all to raise more funding for our beautiful businesses and project work.