What is Hadrian’s Wall 1900?
Hadrian’s Wall 1900 is a year-long Festival throughout 2022 celebrating the 1900th
anniversary of the beginning of the construction of Hadrian’s Wall
Who is organising Hadrian’s Wall 1900?
The Festival will be made up of activity presented by local societies, interest groups
community organisations, arts organisations, local creatives, local authorities, visitor
attractions, venues, and individuals.
It is being coordinated by the Hadrian’s Wall Partnership in collaboration with local
organisations, communities and individuals. The Hadrian’s Wall Partnership is a voluntary body made up of organisations responsible for the UNESCO World Heritage Site status of Hadrian’s Wall
How do I get involved?
Inclusion in the Festival is open to anyone that wishes to celebrate the creation of the
World Heritage Site in whichever way they would like.
We are calling on communities, businesses and organisations to present events and
activity as part of the Festival programme.
Find out more and get involved here!
Criteria for events activity to be included in Hadrian’s Wall 1900:
To take place between Hadrian’s birthday (24 Jan) and the Festival of Saturnalia (23 Dec) 2022
To take place within 10 miles of the World Heritage Site
Have appropriate reference to the anniversary and 1900 years of history of Hadrian’s Wall
Be suitable for family audiences
Consider promoting diversity and inclusion to engage new audiences and visitors
Consider accessibility
Consider sustainable event delivery
Be self funded and organised
When you have an idea of an event or activity that meets the criteria please register it here. Ideas don’t have to be fully formed at this stage.
This will enable the Festival team to contact you and support you with:
Regular newsletters
Free workshops and sharing sessions
Funding toolkits
Event management, Sustainability and Marketing toolkits
The support of an Engagement Coordinator
When your event is confirmed, funded and ready to list we will publicise it alongside the other Festival activity
For questions please contact
