Project Archive

'Angry Daughters': a creative project by and for survivors of domestic abuse
This project is looking for courageous individuals to make a dance video to Katie Doherty's song 'Angry Daughters' to showcase the power, dignity and hope of survivors of domestic abuse. This video will be shared publicly and give courage to those who are currently in abusive situations.
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Headway Arts: Lockdown
Headway Arts supplied its creatives with 15 art boxes, and here are some of the pieces they put together. Find out more about Headway Arts

Enjoy the work of the Glasgow Boys and Girls from home
Berwick Visual Arts would have been previewing their exhibition of the Glasgow Boys and Girls at The Granary Gallery this week. They still plan to open the exhibition later this year, but in the meantime The Fleming Collection have curated a fantastic virtual version of the exhibition at the Art UK website. Visit webpage

Does Culture Matter?
We think so. How much it matters will be determined as we all navigate COVID-19 this year.
This life-altering global crisis is already having devastating impacts on many of us. During something so huge and unfathomable, we asked ourselves "how can we be useful?"

The Social Distance Art Project
COVID-19 has seen an end to our studio-based study and the looming fear of the cancellation of our Degree Show is nothing short of heart breaking for creative students like us. We a small group of final year students hoping to give others who have found themselves...

ResiliArt: Artists & Creativity beyond Crisis
Now, more than ever, we need culture. Culture makes us resilient and gives us hope. It reminds us that we are not alone. We need a concerted and global effort to support artists and ensure access to culture for all...

UK could become 'cultural wasteland' due to coronavirus, say leading artists
Letter signed by hundreds of creative figures including PJ Harvey, Anish Kapoor and Rufus Wainwright calls on government support

No community spaces? No community arts
Community arts organisations are at the heart of the response to the Covid-19 crisis, but their spaces are threatened by arguments that focus on the economic value of the arts. It’s time we started measuring social value, says Zain Dada.
Read article

Stay Home Stay Queer
by Melody Sproates & pals (2020)
A queer resource pack for self isolating LGBTQIA+ peeps, collected by cabaret maker & binary breaker Melody Sproates (& pals!)
Download PDF

How to enjoy heritage from home
From National Lottery Heritage Fund
We’ve put together a list of heritage-inspired activities you can do from home – we’ll be updating the list, so keep checking back to find new things.

RISE Together: exploring and telling the stories of women
Culture Liverpool have produced a specially curated programme for RISE which once again showcases the fantastic talent, creativity and the female strength and spirit, this time during Covid. The programme is a social commentary on social inequalities, isolation, and how this has become the new norm through loss and separation.Visit webpage

Rural touring could offer the quickest route out of lockdown
While the theatre sector is pondering when it might reopen, how it might do so, and the challenge of enticing theatregoers back into buildings that were never designed with social distancing in mind, one small solution might be right under its nose. Visit page

Mortal Fools COVID-19 Response
Supporting us during an uncertain time:
Mortal Fools have made 6 clear promises about how we’re going to continue our mission to use theatre and drama to support our beneficiaries and help build positive connections.

Museums must adopt new models to respond to the Covid-19 pandemic
Institutions need visionary leaders to find ways to adapt to a dramatically altered culture
Susan Lubowsky Talbott
24th April 2020 08:00 BST

“The Hero’s Table” A creative exploration of our personal heroes
Join writer Bob Beagrie and visual artist Tommy Anderson in this series of online workshops to create writings, images and artworks that reflect our personal heroes and what makes them special.

Hexham-based theatre company, Théâtre Sans Frontières (TSF) premiere their new short film The Golden Conch Shell.
The film is suitable for children aged 5-10 years and Théâtre Sans Frontières welcome all feedback, so please comment your thoughts and feelings on our Facebook post after you've watched the film.

Journeymen - lives unseen and unheard
A touring exhibition commissioned by Museum Northumberland bait, the exhibition is a collection of work from five groups of men, and young boys, who have come together, to share their own unique journeys in South East Northumberland.
Visit website

Manchester Museum in Quarantine: Tips for opening up museums online
Manchester Museum explores themes including content, identity and accessibility as it helps ensure you are offering the best possible experience to audiences during coronavirus lockdown.

The Culture Northumberland website is a starting point for visiting the places, pages and information you need to know about if you're part of the Northumberland Arts, Culture and Heritage community. Send us the links, content and ideas that will make this a better and more useful resource. We'll add it to this site and help it grow into a comprehensive resource for everyone.
Email us at hello@culturenorthumberland.co.uk
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